
Anthony Farnell L1 FE

 MADA Monash University Industrial Design graduate exhibition 2012
Designer: Anthony Farnell
Project: L1FE Concept
There are a lot of jaw-dropping concept cars out there. Unfortunately more often then not, they’re far too insane to ever see the light of day in any automaker’s lineup. But sometimes, a concept car comes along that literally drops our jaws, and still has enough meat on the bone to where we could see it actually being produced.
The latest iteration of handsome automotive fantasy comes from an Australian designer by the name of Anthony Farnell. Farnell’s L1-FE concept garnered a number of accolades, including a feature at the Melbourne Grand Prix a few years back. So in order to learn more about this radical design, we reached out to ask Anthony a little more detail exactly what this design was all about.
Having a passion and obsession with all things automotive since childhood lead to a strong interest towards the nature of motorsport. In light of recent years, having taken a particular notice to the emerging form of motorsport ‘Time Attack Racing,” I was drawn to the radical styling that had been applied to the top competitor vehicles, virtually aerodynamically driven with minimal styling intent. This approach inspired and fueled the purpose of designing a vehicle that incorporated radical aerodynamic visuals with clean fluid-like surfacing.
The overall design process from initial concept generation through to final presentation was spread across a 14-week period. Although prior to commencing the design process, an extensive 6-week research period was undertaken.
One of the more challenging aspects of this concept was designing the exterior to not only appear radical within the realm of a race circuit, but to also visually be suitable for public road use. This was overcome by incorporating detachable panels to separate the two uses.
The face of the vehicle was an interesting challenge, being the most visually prominent aspect it was important to not lose sight of the theme and nature of the design. The ongoing process of clay sculpting and sketching enabled the form to take shape and really refine the aggressive character that was being expressed.
In current search for a position as a Digital Sculptor, my focus on current and future projects are more geared towards production and concept surface modeling. So you will be sure to see more of my work in the future!
Unknown Web Developer

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